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October 2021

Mission Statement: My Mission is to be a vessel that is used to sing Yahuah's praises, His warnings, & continue to honor Him. If I can reach one person through song about how Yahuah is patient with us & then they make the decision to submit to His will, then that is a job well done. Name: Shimchah Yahu Location: Anderson, SC, USA About Me: From a very young age, this Daughter of YAH could sing practically anything.  She wanted to do so many other things in life and has been gifted in many other areas by The Most High......

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September 2021

Mission Statement: My mission is to love the Father with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my might, and to love my neighbor as myself! Finally, I’m on a mission to gather the sheep for ha mashiach, both Jews & Gentiles. Name: YirmiYahu Location: South Carolina, USA About Me: My name is Yirmiyahu, a young Hebrew just trying to make use of my gifts to make disciples of all nations. I’m just a solider for Christ & love every minute of it!! Halleluyah! I’m big on unity, so if you have the same mindset, let’s build......

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August 2021

Mission Statement: My mission in this walk is to preach repentance and salvation, while provoking thought to all those who have ears to hear while giving all praises to the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Name: TuviYah Location: Austin, TX, USA About Me: I was originally born and raised in Memphis, TN. Eldest son of my mother and father. Growing up I always had a special love for music and poetry. In my adolescence I fell into the ways of the streets, fornicating, gang banging, etc. From 2010-2015 I was in and out of jail and began to meditate......

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July 2021

Mission Statement: My mission is to encourage my fellow siblings that praising TMH is imperative to this walk and to have fun while doing so. Name: La'Nolia Location: Memphis, TN, USA About Me: I'm originally from New Orleans, LA. It's always been my dream to do music professionally, however I was determined in a worldly fashion. I made a lot of poor decisions, but glory to TMH for a changing those desires to a heart of repentance. Later in life I migrated to Jackson MS where I found my soul to lift up my voice and sing. After being discouraged......

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June 2021

Mission Statement: My mission is to be the light and a willing vessel to wake up the lost sheep of Israel, to make it to the kingdom by fully submitting myself to YAHUAH, and to be as YAHUSHUA is so that I may be favorable in these end times. Name: Chief Elite Location: Kankakee, IL, USA About Me: I am Chief Elite, a 30 year old Israelite from a small town south of Chicago. I grew up in a family with good morals and principals. Although we didn’t have much, we had what was essential: Love and faith in God. I......

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May 2021

Mission Statement: My mission is to cry aloud as a watchman and provoke the 12 tribes of Israel scattered to the 4 corners of the earth to repent. Encouraging those who are awake and calling those who are asleep until the day Zion is restored in the marriage supper of The Lamb. Name: Do It For The Nation Location: Massachusetts USA About Me: I am Do It For The Nation a 19 year old artist and servant of The MOST HIGH and my people. Ever since I can remember I was in love with basketball which would eventually play a......

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April 2021

Mission Statement: My mission is to be a voice to the voiceless Name: Ms. Jewduh Location: Memphis, TN USA My name is Lynette Jewduh born and raised in Memphis, TN, a mother of a 6year old son named Immanuel. While growing up as a little girl, I felt like I didn’t have a voice until I started writing my thoughts on paper and those thoughts turned into music. As I got older, I realized my gift for music would open doors and allow me to minister to kids and adults of all ages. I have been in the truth for......

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March 2021

[wvc_bigtext text="Yaz Israel & Qadash Malak " font_weight="700" css_animation="bounceIn"] Mission Statement: Our mission is to give praise to The Most High through music and lift up our people Israel. Name: Yaz Israel & Qadash Malak Location: Winston Salem, NC USA About Us: We are Yaz Israel & Qadash Malak from Winston Salem, NC. We are both 29 years old and have been in the truth for three years. We have four beautiful daughters and we’ve known each other since our teens. Yes, I married my best friend lol. Our oldest is 9 and the others are 3, 2, and 1.......

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February 2021

Mission Statement: My mission is to make it to the kingdom and to plant seeds into the hearts of the Children of Israel first and then the gentiles of the everlasting life that was promised, Most High willing, with this music. My goal is to cause demons to come out of people like how David played the harp for Saul, and to keep my people focused on the Most High and the Messiah. Shalom and I love y’all endure family see y'all in the kingdom Abba willing!! Name: Emanon Yasharahla Location: Houston, TX USA About Me: I am Emanon, and......

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January 2021

Mission Statement: My mission is to make it to the kingdom and to plant seeds into the hearts of the Children of Israel first and then the gentiles of the everlasting life that was promised, Most High willing, with this music. My goal is to cause demons to come out of people like how David played the harp for Saul, and to keep my people focused on the Most High and the Messiah. Shalom and I love y’all endure family see y'all in the kingdom Abba willing!! Name: HezekiYah Location: Washington, D.C. USA About Me: I am HezekiYah, born February......

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