Featured Artist
Day Israel

Featured Music for October 2023
- Name: East Side Jakes
- Location: Chicago, IL USA
About Us:
Shalom, I am Day Israel I was born in San Bernardino, California. As a child I was very spiritually inclined and always sang praises about The Most High. I’ve been singing since I Was 3. Singing has been a passion of mine for a very long time and it is a blessing to have received this gift from abba! I was reared by my father and mother, but my parents separated when I was young, so my father was absent in the home growing up. It was difficult for me not to have him around, but he was there every time I needed him, as he still is to this day.
My mother taught me everything I now know about the Most High. I was brought up to be a Christian initially. In the beginning of my journey, I didn’t understand who the scriptures were referring to nor did I understand what it all meant. I was completely lost and lacked wisdom and understanding.
When I was about fifteen years old, my mom began learning more about the truth, so we stopped celebrating each holiday. At first, I was a little disappointed, but she explained how each one was pagan and none were in the scriptures, clearly stating that we were not to celebrate them. I learned about the feast days and that we were to keep them as we are Children of the Most High.
At the time, being a teenager, I wasn’t as concerned about studying to show myself approved or being obedient. I started hanging around friends who were negative influences and did things that I had no business doing and ended up falling deep into sin.
By 2020, all of that changed as I began reading and studying the word for myself. The Most High cleansed my spirit and pulled me out of the wickedness that I was involved in. I stopped wearing clothes that were too revealing and started dressing in modest apparel. I stopped wearing fake hair, nails and lashes and started embracing my natural beauty. I stopped drinking heavily, cussing, clubbing and started fasting, praying and building a true relationship with the Most High.
Although I strayed away, he brought me right back to him and enlightened me, gave me new knowledge, wisdom and understanding so I will forever be grateful for what he has done. I’m not perfect yet, but I am striving to be so in his eyes.
My message to the mishpacha is to never give up on yourself or The Most High. Never give up on your spiritual journey. He will guide you and increase you in due time. Love your family and others as you love yourself and be kind, humble, and willing to change for the better (selah) “Let it be so” Here are a few scriptures to write on the tables of your heart. (Jeremiah 29:11-14)
Shalom mishpacha.