Featured Artist
Mission Statement:
My mission is to encourage my fellow siblings that praising TMH is imperative to this walk and to have fun while doing so.

Featured Music for July 2021
- Name: La’Nolia
- Location: Memphis, TN, USA
About Me:
I’m originally from New Orleans, LA. It’s always been my dream to do music professionally, however I was determined in a worldly fashion. I made a lot of poor decisions, but glory to TMH for a changing those desires to a heart of repentance. Later in life I migrated to Jackson MS where I found my soul to lift up my voice and sing. After being discouraged for years, I found strength in singing. I’m the eldest of four of the strongest sisters I’ve ever laid eyes on.
My mission is to encourage others that you can do anything by the Power of The Almighty. I’m also a mother of three and I feel it is my responsibility to show them the POWER IN PRAISE, POWER IN OBEDIENCE, and POWER IN SERVITUDE!!!! After having the desires of music, TMH allowed me to create music in Spirit and in Truth, here in Memphis, TN. All Praises to THE MOST HIGH!!!