Featured Artist
Yaz Israel & Qadash Malak
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to give praise to The Most High through music and lift up our people Israel.

Featured Music for March 2021
- Name: Yaz Israel & Qadash Malak
- Location: Winston Salem, NC USA
About Us:
We are Yaz Israel & Qadash Malak from Winston Salem, NC. We are both 29 years old and have been in the truth for three years. We have four beautiful daughters and we’ve known each other since our teens. Yes, I married my best friend lol. Our oldest is 9 and the others are 3, 2, and 1. What brought us to this truth was wanting to be together so bad, we went against everyone’s odds who were turned against us. We had to learn how to survive with each other without help. But Christ was always there. I remember there were times we didn’t know where we would sleep or what we would eat and The Most High ALWAYS made a way, even when it didn’t look like there wasn’t one. We were always searching for God even through all the wickedness. We kept searching and we didn’t care about what people thought. We created music in the world, so when we finally came to this truth all of our questions were answered and we give The Most High PRAISE THROUGH OUR MUSIC. That is OUR Kingdom work. We love that we can keep it real for ISRAEL!