Featured Artist
Do It For The Nation
Mission Statement:
My mission is to cry aloud as a watchman and provoke the 12 tribes of Israel scattered to the 4 corners of the earth to repent. Encouraging those who are awake and calling those who are asleep until the day Zion is restored in the marriage supper of The Lamb.

Featured Music for May 2021
- Name: Do It For The Nation
- Location: Massachusetts USA
About Me:
I am Do It For The Nation a 19 year old artist and servant of The MOST HIGH and my people. Ever since I can remember I was in love with basketball which would eventually play a big part in me coming to the truth of who we are. Being athletically gifted by The MOST HIGH people often took notice of my talents. For many years I played on teams predominantly filled with gentiles but often competed against my brethren (Israelites). In my young mind I took note that my brethren and I were more talented but didn’t know why. I was often asked to play for their teams and organizations but never took up the opportunity.
Years later I went to a Division 1 Catholic High School to pursue the next part of my career. Freshman year I was extremely successful. That same year I was enrolled in a mandatory theology class. In which we studied the old testament and for the first time I fell in love with the bible though I had been a christian my whole life. The next year my coach and I did not get along and my playing time started to dwindle as did my love for the game of basketball. All while my studying of the scriptures increased immensely. I was fully invested in my heritage and all that came with it. The commandments, and learning the truth about Ha Mashiach. This took several years before I felt The MOST HIGH calling me to contribute my talents to the body.
So this past summer I spent time seeking The MOST HIGH for my place in this walk and what those talents actually were. He communicated to me I would be an artist, musician, and psalmist for Israel. The rest of that summer I was in the studio often and The Holy Spirit regularly took over and the music got better and better with each song. In October 2020 I released my first song Dirty Rag entailing my journey in the walk dealing with pride and repenting of that. I am now fully and consistently focused on being used as a vessel for The MOST HIGH to create life changing psalms to help his people anyway he deems fit.
All praises to The MOST HIGH and Shalom Israel