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Obadiah Yahu

August 2022

Name: Obadiah Yahu Location: Crowley, TX USA I'm from Texas, shoutout to Crowley, and my mission is to keep showing up for war everyday with my sword ready. I want to continue to be a light in this darkened world, and with the Ruach Ha'Qodesh I know it is true. So I believe everybody has got a purpose on earth used for Yahuah's will whether it'll be for bad or for good either way I'm going to continue to give Yahuah praise regardless. “For you are a holy people to YHWH your Elohim; YHWH your Elohim has chosen you to......

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July 2022

Mission Statement: WAAMKE WATU! KONDOO WAKE WANAJUA SAUTI YAKE!🐑 (Swahili) WAKE UP PEOPLE! HIS SHEEP KNOW HIS VOICE!🐑 (English) "Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my Elohim. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." Inspired by John 10:27 and Revelation 3:2 Name: Darak Ibar Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania In 2017 lyrical Truth......

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June 2022

Mission Statement: The Oil of Joy Music’s mission is to prophesy to the dry bones that they may live again, awaken those who are still asleep, and to symbolically pour oil on the dry bones for lubrication of the body, mind, soul and spirit.  Inspired by Ezekiel 37:1-14 Name: Joy Lester Location: Davie, FL, USA Joy Lester is a native of Grand Rapids, Michigan. She is a ‘Preacher’s Kid’ from a large family who, on occasions, would be requested to sing before her father brought the message to the congregation. ​As an adult, her gift of music opened doors for......

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May 2022

Mission Statement: I am not trying to be your favorite rapper. I am here to encourage you or if you got spirits on you, to take them off of you. If you are going thru it, to see you out of it and if your are overcome with sin, to see you become a overcomer of sin. Name: Judahson Location: Richmond, KY, USA My artist name is Judahson. I am the oldest of my mother and father. The Most High has been with me since my youth from the Christian church to Bible college. However, I had a few things......

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April 2022

Mission Statement: My mission is to implement Isaiah 2:3; bringing forth the law and teaching the ways of The Most High, through the gifts he has given me. Name: Big K Location: Jackson, MS, USA Kayla Smith, known as “Big K”, was born and raised in Jackson, Mississippi. Her parents were heavily influenced by the doctrine of Christianity. They spent many hours in the Christian Church, singing in the choir. Sometimes while they would sing she would observe the band and try to guess where the music was going. She would also pay attention to each section of the choir......

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March 2022

Mission Statement: To allow the Most High to use me as a battle-axe against spirits of darkness and a light to shine on the people. Name: Peezee Location: Dallas, TX, USA Peezee was born and reared right outside of Dallas, TX, the son of immigrants who came to Babylon by way of Nigeria. His parents are from the Igbo Tribe in Nigeria, which is how he came into the knowledge of his heritage as an Israelite. A product of the streets, he works diligently to show the ones with similar backgrounds that they can change and become products of the......

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