Featured Artist
Mission Statement:
To allow the Most High to use me as a battle-axe against spirits of darkness and a light to shine on the people.

Featured Music for March 2022
- Name: Peezee
- Location: Dallas, TX, USA
About Me:
Peezee was born and reared right outside of Dallas, TX, the son of immigrants who came to Babylon by way of Nigeria. His parents are from the Igbo Tribe in Nigeria, which is how he came into the knowledge of his heritage as an Israelite. A product of the streets, he works diligently to show the ones with similar backgrounds that they can change and become products of the Most High God, just as he did.
Known for witty songs and thought provoking punchlines that leave listeners discovering the hidden gems after months of listening to a song, Peezee’s rap career first began as an artist on an independent rap label called Poeman Productions. After creating four mixtapes with the label, he ventured out on his own, releasing his first album in 2009 called “My Time”. It wasn’t until 2014 that Peezee was shown verses in the Bible that he had never really seen before while preparing to drop a new album. He ended up releasing a new album entitled “Righteous” instead. This was the beginning of a powerful journey in which he allowed The Most High God to use him as a battle axe against spirits of darkness and a light to shine on the people.
Peezee vowed to be the artist who represents truth with the sole mission of Waking up his people to the truth of who they are according to Deuteronomy 28:68, the people spoken of in Ezekiel 37…the Hebrews…The Most High’s Chosen People. As a performer, Peezee brings energy and excitement as well as a spiritual lesson through thoughtful lyrics that sends the audience home both satisfied and well edified.
For more music and merch geared towards completing the mission of change, visit RealJudah.com