Featured Artist
Mission Statement:
I am not trying to be your favorite rapper. I am here to encourage you or if you got spirits on you, to take them off of you. If you are going thru it, to see you out of it and if your are overcome with sin, to see you become a overcomer of sin.

Featured Music for May 2022
- Name: Judahson
- Location: Richmond, KY, USA
About Me:
My artist name is Judahson. I am the oldest of my mother and father. The Most High has been with me since my youth from the Christian church to Bible college. However, I had a few things that bothered me, like tithing for example, and I always wanted to know who I was related to in the Bible. This is what led me to do research.
The year 2012 was my awakening year, even though the Spirit was already dealing with me in my youth. I had been fighting such things as porn, lustful sex, trauma from a broken home, and self hate. When the Most High Yah woke me up, I began to love myself and my people. Many years have passed and much has changed. Now I just lead people to Christ thru music and real life situations and I fellowship with whoever has an ear to hear. Shalom and much love to you!