Featured Artist
Ahk Rydel

Featured Music for November 2022
- Name: Ahk Rydel
- Location: Temple, TX USA
About Me:
My name is Ahk Rydel and I was born and raised in Temple, TX. I lived in Reno, NV for 3 years and where I resided when I came into the truth in 2011. My middle name is Rydel, which is what my Granny always called me. She is the one who always told me to read the Bible.
The Most High’s Word is humbling and it’s beyond a blessing to know who we, as so-called black people, are because then you understand where we as a people fit in. We are the people of the book, the sons and daughters of Yacob and the Messiah. The Messiah was one of us, an Israelite.
Knowing and understanding these components makes us as believers, the believers who are given clear instructions to do what the word says instead of the motivational nonsense you hear in the christian churches. It is an honor to share this faith with my fellow brothers and sisters in the faith of the 12 all around the world. Who would have thought that a whoremongering, in-the-club-every-weekend, double-minded nigga from Temple, TX, home of “Mean Joe Green” would come to find out who the true and Living God truly is, the Most High El of Abraham, Isaac and Ya’cob and the Children of Israel is? I am here on a mission to wake up my brothers and sisters in the truth and keep the Most High’s commandments or die trying. Shalom Family!